So…what is the Monday Poll?
Godt spørgsmål! Det er ikke i modsætning til dets navn en faktisk afstemning. It’s just a list of five a lot more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past gazillion years (more than 10!). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a terrific start. ?
1. shall we have doughnuts now or later?
Now, obviously. Is someone bringing coffee?? If not, I volunteer as tribute, considering that there can be no ? doughnuts without coffee.
2. have you ever worn a crown or a tiara?
Not for, like, legit purposes, HA HA HA! Like, I’ve never won a pageant or been a queen or a ? princess in a parade… I actually do own a tiara, though! I wore it for Halloween a few years ago when I dressed up as the girl from the cover of Hole’s live through This album.
I have to say…it was surprisingly comfortable! I must bust that thing out again.
3. would you rather have naturally fuller brows or naturally longer lashes?
Girl, this question is just rude. OK…after much internal dispute (imagine not ever having to fill out your brows, EVER!), I choose the naturally longer lashes, because I think I’d get a lot more bang for my buck.
4. Something you’re completely and absolutely over?
Frossen yogurt.
Katte og makeup sweatshirt ??
Shop Now
5. If you could celebrate your birthday at a theme park, which one would you choose?
Disneyland ? Paris, because hey! — I’d be in Paris. ?
Hold mig…
Seriously, HOLD. MIG. As tight as you possibly can! because whenever I walk into TJ’s temptation beckons from every corner.
Remember the sugar skulls from last year? They’re baaaaack. and dare I say cuter than they were the last time around? They didn’t do much for me when I first saw them but now I’m feeling them. need to be the black skull with the aloe (most succulents don’t do a damn for me, but I’ve got a thing for aloe, go figure).
Of course the limited edition snack situation is all that and a bag of birthday cake popcorn ideal now (yes, you heard me right).
I popped in yesterday to get some honeycrisp apples (my fave), and in the quick lap I did around the store, I found many, lots of tasty treats.
The only treat I picked up was this grapefruit scrub though…
What do you think of that Carrot Cake Spread? I think it could be really good or really gross.
Din venlige kvarter appelmisbruger,
S.s. question time! here are they are to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. Vi snakkes.
1. shall we have doughnuts now or later?
2. have you ever worn a crown or a tiara?
3. would you rather have naturally fuller brows or naturally longer lashes?
4. Something you’re completely and absolutely over?
5. If you could celebrate your birthday at a theme park, which one would you choose?